Thoughts on the Moments in our Lives

by Clyde B. Smith

Divided into days - but one cannot decide nor act in a day.
Divided into hours - but one cannot decide nor act in an hour.
Divided into a minutes - but one cannot decide nor act in a minute.
Divided into seconds or milliseconds - Now one can decide and act in this!
It's really the only time in which you can live and have the power of choice.

God speaks to the mind of a preacher,
Through the heart of a preacher,
By the mouth of a preacher.
God thereby speaks to the mind of a hearer,
Through the heart of a hearer,
By the action and reaction by a hearer.

There is an inevitable process. God must reach through His Word using the preacher; the Holy Spirit must breathe upon what the preacher says; there must be hearers to hear - hearers who hear with their ears, into their minds, and through their minds into their hearts, wills, and actions.

The "unspoken to" preacher has nothing to say. He does not have the motivation nor ability to say, because it's not in human wisdom. His words will be dull, lifeless, and ineffective without the Spirit. But, without Spirit-led hearers, there will be no response. Hearers who come with closed ears and unreachable hearts will not be motivated. But, when the hearers are those committed to hearing ("Speak Lord, for thy servant heareth!") receiving, responding - then there is a joyous and happy occasion.

Getting older doesn't make one wiser nor more spiritual. The chronos doesn't effect spiritual growth and development. How much of the life and thinking of childhood, teenage years, young adulthood, adulthood, etc. still predominates in your mind today? The same fears and anxieties? The same reluctances? The same negativity? It wouldn't even help if one could live their life over because one would do the same things over again, because the same thinking prevails.

But, there are pregnant moments when there is a perpendicular bolt of light which intersects the chronos - that spectacular, unforgettable experience on one's own "Road to Damascus." Those who are absolutely satisfied with who they are, where they are, and how they are, will never experience this!

But you never can anticipate when that glory-filled moment - your kairos (the right or supreme moment) - will occur - if ever. But one should always be prepared and expectant. You can't program it.

Every moment you can create a memory - an unforgettable second! Ah, that's already past. It's now history. It is either used or wasted time.

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