Life Moves On

Luke 9:28-36
by Clyde B. Smith

There are no stopping places in life. Life moves on! Physically, the organs of the body must continue to function for one to continue to live. When they stop functioning - physical life is over.

Emotionally, life in its fullest sense means that one feels (how much do you really let yourself feel?) , is aware, is sensitive. I once visited a woman in a hospital whose heart had stopped during surgery. The doctors were able to get her heart to beat again, but her brain had already been damaged. She was alive physically - but emotionally she was dead, no awareness, no feeling. If one lives a marginal life emotionally, then life is not full and meaningful.

Luke says - "sleeping for sorrow" - on account of their sorrow - their grief was too great. This interpretive remark is not in the other gospels - this written by Luke who was a doctor. Perhaps their being asleep is looked upon as either stupidity or indifference. Rather, it was proof of their great attachment, and their deep sympathy in His sorrows.

A symptom of grief is profound, deep sleep. We see this in patients when things get uncomfortable. Jesus was in profound agony while in prayer, contemplating His impending death. The disciples were experiencing loneliness, already anticipating when He would be gone. It is often more difficult for those who stay than for those who go. The disciples were heavily invested in Him and they felt the grief deeply. This is a commitment we must make of ourselves in order to be in the "inner circle" of another life; to be open to being hurt.

Life moves on! That is, it is headed somewhere. There are plans and goals. There are hopes. What are your goals? Do you have any? Life has always meant more when you were working, planning, had a definite goal! School, work, marriage, promotion, getting well, etc. This is the essential optimism in the Bible.

We see in verse 33 that Peter wanted life to somehow stop where he was. He said - "without knowing what he was saying" - probably because he was so bewildered in his state of ecstasy. Peter remarked, "Let's construct three booths here - for you, Moses, and Elijah!"

Now, let us consider again, what had been the subject of Jesus! Conversation with Moses and Elijah. He had been talking with them about his departure. This word comes from two words - "Ex" = "out of", and "odos" = "a journeying." Exodus, the word used of the migration of the Jews from Egypt. This was a journey out of Egypt, out of bondage and enslavement, and also a destination which was the Promised Land. Out of Egypt - but going somewhere - a promised place. We can't hold on to joyful moments. Neither can we be held by despair and darkness. The truth is "all things work together for good..." Believe it - LIFE GOES ON!

So when Jesus was talking of His exodus, it covers the ideas of death and ascension. In light of this, the idea of building three tents for the six of them to live on the slopes of Mt. Hermon shows truly that Peter "didn't know what he was saying."

Peter learned that life moves on! They heard a voice! Matthew records that they fell to the ground - Jesus came and touched them and said "Don't be afraid." For the pleasant moments that we would like to hold forever - health, happiness, hope - life life moves on! We can remember, but we can't hold on.

But perhaps we need this message even more. I've had many disappointments and so have you. For the moments of darkness and despair and loneliness - change one thing - life moves on! Our lives are no stagnant. In times such as these, the child of God can know that life is a pilgrimage - it is going from the Egypt of life - to the promised land. Jesus is the Joshua who leads the way.

To Peter and the other disciples - after telling them to get up and not be afraid - "Jesus was found alone." So all other teachers, helpers, guides, are lost in His sight, or drop away as the ages roll on, and He only is left. But He is left, and He is enough and eternal. Happy are we if in life we hear Him, and if in our experience, Jesus is found alone, the all-sufficient and unchanging companion and portion of our else lonely and restless spirits."

Come out of Egypt - you're going somewhere...the promised land. We can't hold on to joyful moments, but neither can we be held by despair and darkness. The Truth is - "All things work together for good..." Believe it and enter your promised land. Life moves on!

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