Loss of First Lover: The Church of Ephesus

Revelation 2:1-7

Remember how and when it all began? Think about that man or woman who is by your side. Think about that little boy or girl at their birth.

You know, you can spot the moment. Boys begin to spruce up, digging a hole in the ground with their toe. The sudden flush when you meet a boy or girl you like. Then there is the serendipitous moment when you first see your baby's face.

Marriage can become passe and commonplace. The girl/boy goes their way to other loves. The son/daughter grow and go through the interminable stages of growth and eventually grow away.

First loves are tremendous and magical moments. One feels more alive - more loved - more hopeful. You anticipate the future. You dream. You feel the passion of truly loving and caring.

Sometimes the feelings become lingering memories after the person is gone. Maybe that's why a lot of elderly people tend to visit those times very often, reliving.

There was a tendency to turn away from the object of our first love - Christ - to lesser and demeaning things.

We had a rule in our family. When we were out with our children and they wandered away and got lost, they were to go back to the last place we were together. We, as parents, would be there waiting (although we once got help in Anadarko at an Indian festival!)

Question: When was the last time you were happily and serenely in Christ's presence? Do you even know? Now - understand this - the Scripture says that we have left our first love; that is, we were with Him and then we wandered away. He didn't leave us! The Bible says, "I will never leave you or forsake you." What condition of your heart and mind caused you to wander away? Only the workings of Satan could have done it.

We get angry at others - we turn our eyes away.
People don't meet our expectations or do what we hoped - we turn away.
We store up resentment - we turn away.
Like a sheep, we nibble our way into lostness.

Many leave the church with self-righteous indignation. Even God can't work through a loveless church!

Often one wonders - where did it all go? What happened? There are recriminations, sorrows. Lost loves can be painful.

Think back now. When did your Christian love begin and who was the recipient of that love? You are a member of a church - we are all partly "Ephesian". We all stood alone and amazed in the presence of the Christ of the Cross. We looked up - as a child does to the object of their adoration. It was sheer transcending love! Just Christ and you. Do you remember? You felt the explosive power of a new affection. You could almost drive by the church and feel the warm, radiant glow of love.

But, alas, for that we substituted disappointment in others, dashed hopes, resentment. How many members of this church are at home today nursing resentment and anger? Pray for them! Love them! If you are enlightened, if you are so close to the Lord - please don't go away! Share your light with others. Give them your light. The Bible talks about being salt and light to the world. Salt preserves. Salt enhances flavor. Have you ever put salt on food to make it taste better? Were you glad the salt was there? Did you ever have to find your way in the dark? Did you find a flashlight or other light to help you see? Were you glad to have the light? Jesus wants us to help others see Him—and they will be glad we were there to help
them. Set an example of faith. Reach out, tenderly, to encourage others, especially in the Body of Christ. Christians sometimes have a tendency to "shoot their wounded" instead of ministering gently and with love to those wounded places.

Remember - if you do not change one day in your life, you will never change your life. It must be done NOW. "Today is the day of salvation..." We all need to repent. Say "I was wrong." "I'm sorry." I promise, the sky won't fall in. Only stubborn, prideful people must wait for others to move first. Christ tell us to tearfully, honestly, faithfully confess our faults one to another.

Then all of us can return; return to our first love. What a joyous return it will be. All of us back at the foot of a cross.

"Glory be until God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."


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