First Loves: The Church of Ephesus

Scripture Reference: Revelation 2:1-7

Remember how it began? That man/woman by your side; that baby boy or baby girl at birth? You know, you can spot the moment when it happens. Boys began to spruce up, dig a hole in the ground with their toe. That sudden flush when you first met "her"? That serendipitous moment when you first saw your baby's face.

Marriage can become passe and commonplace. The girl/boy go their ways to other loves. The son or daughter grows up and go through the interminable stages of growth and then growing away.

First loves are tremendous, magical moments! You feel more alive; more loved; more hopeful;anticipating the future together. You feel passion. You have a feeling of really loving and caring about someone else. Sometimes the feelings become lingering memories after the person is gone. Maybe that's why a lot of elderly people tend to visit those times very often in their thoughts.

There is sometimes a tendency to turn away from the object of our love; to lesser and more demeaning things.

We had a rule in our family. When we were out with our children, they were to go back to the last place we were together if they got lost. We, as parents, would be there waiting.

Let me ask you a question. When was the last time you were happily and serenely in the presence of your first love? Do you know?

The scripture says that we have left our first love. That could be brotherly love or love toward God. Each is impossible without the other. That is, we were with Him and then we wandered away. Understand, He didn't leave us! His Word says, "I will NEVER leave you or forsake you."

What condition of your heart and mind caused YOU to go away; to leave your love. I'll tell you; only the working of Satan could have done that.

We get angry at others; we turn our eyes away when people don't meet our expectations. We say, "We had so hoped..." you fill in the blank. We store up resentment. Just like a sheep, we nibble our way into "lostness." Many even leave their church with self-righteous indignation. Often we wonder - "Where did it all go? What happened?" There are recriminations, sorrow; lost loves can be very painful.

You are a member of a church; so we are all partly Ephesian. Think back with me now. When did your Christian love begin and who was the recipient of that love? We all stood alone and amazed in the presence of the Christ of the Cross. We looked up - as a child does - to the object of our adoration. It was sheer transcending love! Just you and Christ. Remember? You felt the explosive power of a new affection. But we started substituting that first love with disappointment in others, dashed hopes, resentment or anger.

If you are enlightened, if you are so close to the Lord, share your light with others. Give them your light. Set an example of faith and show them your faith by reaching out tenderly to encourage others. The truth is that no one is "fully Christian." We are all BECOMING more so.

Remember, if you do not change one day in your life, you will never change your life. It must be done NOW. "Today is the day of salvation!" We all need to repent, ask God for forgiveness -  tearfully, honestly, faithfully confess our faults to one another. That's all it takes to return. To return to your first love. What a joyous return it will be. All of us togehter back at the foot of the cross.

"Glory be until God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Preached at Southside Baptist in Wilmington, NC on February 2, 1992.

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