
The body turned away - - "One feels alone."
The rejecting look on the face -- "One feels judged."
The unwillingness to hear what one says -- "One feels misunderstood."
The multitude of nonverbal ways in which we speak -- "One feels abased."
The harsh advice given in the presence of hurt and pain -- "One feels as an object."

We all have this ability --
I on my side of the wall and you on yours.
We pick up the old stones with which the wall was built and we put them back in place.

Do we know what we are walling in and walling out?
Usually a lot of love; an opportunity to be human to another.
"He drew a circle that shut me out; Heretic! Rebel! A thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win.
We drew a circle that took him in."
(From the poem " Outwitted”   ― Edwin Markham)

I want to tell you something!
If you fail to get to know me then you have missed a nice person!
I'm not bragging, but telling you that there is something and someone worth knowing in me.
Now I'll say the same for each of you!
Within each of y ou there is a great man, woman or child.
I am diminished by not getting to know you.

Why do we allow walls to divide us?

Robert Frost said, "Something there is that doesn't love a wall, that wants it down!"
I say that SOMEONE doesn't love a wall---that is God!

[Weymouth Translation]
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were so far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.  For He is our peace...and in His own human nature has broken down the hostile dividing wall...
[Conybeare]...the wall which parted us.
[Williams]...the wall which kept us apart.

The Cross
The Blood of Jesus Christ
God's gift of the Holy Spirit.
All these affirm God's attitude toward our walls of division.

Every time we lay stone upon stone, God is busy destroying the wall.

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